PHP Throwable interface


In PHP 7, Throwable interface acts as base for any object that can be a parameter to throw statement, including Error and Exception. Both Error and Exception classes, from which predefined and user defined error and exception classes are derived respectively, implement Throwable interface. Following abstract methods are defined in Throwable interface −


Throwable {
   /* Methods */
   abstract public getMessage ( void ) : string
   abstract public getCode ( void ) : int
   abstract public getFile ( void ) : string
   abstract public getLine ( void ) : int
   abstract public getTrace ( void ) : array
   abstract public getTraceAsString ( void ) : string
   abstract public getPrevious ( void ) : Throwable
   abstract public __toString ( void ) : string


getMessage ( void ) − string -> Returns the message associated with the thrown object.

getCode ( void ) − int -> Returns the error code associated with the thrown object.

getFile ( void ) − string -> Get the name of the file in which the thrown object was created.

getLine ( void ) − int -> Returns the line number where the thrown object was instantiated.

getTrace ( void ) − array -> Returns the stack trace as an array.

getTraceAsString ( void ) − string -> Returns the stack trace as a string.

getPrevious ( void ) − Throwable -> Returns any previous Throwable (provided as third parameter to Exception::__construct()).

__toString ( void ) − string -> Gets a string representation of the thrown object

Updated on: 21-Sep-2020


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