PHP program different ways to generate a random string

Using bin2hex function


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$num = 12;
$res = bin2hex(random_bytes($num));
print_r("The randomly generated string is : ");
echo $res;


The randomly generated string is : f1db16115fa93b98493d388b

A number is defined and the bin2hex function is called on this number. Inside the bin2hex function the ‘random_bytes’ function is called on this number. The generated random string is printed on the console.

Using hashing function


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$my_str = rand();
$res = sha1($my_str);
print_r("The randomly generated string using hashing function sha1 is :");
echo $res;


The randomly generated string using hashing function sha1 is :9a4a73c35ac034832332977f3d5accd8eace5260

A number is defined by calling the ‘rand’ function. The sha1 hashing function is called on this randomly generated number. The generated random string is printed on the console.

Using built-in function uniqid


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$res = uniqid();
print_r("The randomly generated string using uniqid function is : ");
echo $res;


The randomly generated string using uniqid function is : 5ed4b884cef34

A number is defined by calling the ‘rand’ function. The sha1 hashing function is called on this randomly generated number. The generated random string is printed on the console.

Updated on: 02-Jul-2020


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