PHP – mb_strrichr() function

The mb_strrichr() function in PHP is used to find the last occurrence of a character in a string within another string. This function is not case-sensitive like mb_strrchr(). This function finds the last occurrence of a needle in the given haystack string and returns that portion of the haystack. It returns false if a needle is not found in the haystack string.


string mb_strrichr(


mb_strrichr() accepts the following four parameters −

  • str_haystack − The string from which to get the last occurrence of the needle.

  • str_needle − The string that is to be searched in the haystack.

  • before_needle − It is used to decide which portion of the haystack to return.

    • If it is set to True, then it returns all the haystack from the starting to the last occurrence of the needle.

    • If it is set to False, then it returns all the haystack string from the last occurrence of the needle to the end.

  • str_encoding − It is the character encoding name to use. If encoding is omitted, then the internal encoding is used.

Return Values

This string function returns the specified portion from the haystack string or it returns False if a needle is not found in the haystack string.

Example 1

   //Used UTF-8 encoding
   //String is Hello World
   //Needle is rl is used
   //before_needle is false
   $string = mb_strrichr("HelloWorld","rl",false,"UTF-8");

   //output will be string(3) "rld"


string(3) "rld"

Example 2

   //Used UTF-8 encoding
   //String is Hello World
   //Needle is rl is used
   //before_needle is set true
   $string = mb_strrichr("Hello World","rl",true,"UTF-8");

   //output will be string(8) "Hello Wo"


string(8) "Hello Wo"

Example 3

   // Used UTF-8 encoding
   // String is Hello World
   // Needle "rl" is used
   // Needle "ef" is not matched in the given haystack,
   // hence it will return false
   $string = mb_strrichr("Hello World","ef",true,"UTF-8");

   // Output will be false



Updated on: 11-Oct-2021


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