PHP Aliasing/Importing namespaces


An important feature of namespaces is the ability to refer to an external fully qualified name with an alias, or importing. PHP namespaces support following kinds of aliasing or importing −

  • aliasing a class name,
  • aliasing an interface name,
  • aliasing a namespace name
  • aliasing or importing function and constant names.

In PHP, aliasing is accomplished with the use operator.

use operator


 Live Demo

namespace mynamespace;
function sayhello(){
   echo "Hello from mynamespace
"; } sayhello(); namespace mynewspace; function sayhello(){    echo "Hello from my new space
"; } sayhello(); use \mynewspace\sayhello as hello; ?>


Hello from mynamespace
Hello from my new space

multiple use statements combined


 Live Demo

namespace mynamespace;
class myclass{
   function test() { echo "myclass in mynamespace
"; } } class testclass{    static function test() { echo "testclass in mynamespace
"; } } use \mynamespace\myclass as myclass, \mynamespace\testclass; $a=new myclass(); $a->test(); $b=new \mynamespace\testclass(); $b->test(); ?>


myclass in mynamespace
testclass in mynamespace

Importing and dynamic names

substitute name of imported class dynamically


namespace mynamespace;
class myclass{
   function test() { echo "myclass in mynamespace
"; } } class testclass{    static function test() { echo "testclass in mynamespace
"; } } use \mynamespace\myclass as myclass; $a=new myclass; $b='myclass'; $c=new $b; ?>

The use keyword must be declared in the outermost or the global scope, or inside namespace declarations. Process ofimporting is done at compile time and not runtime. Therefore it cannot be block scoped. Following usage will be illegal


function myfunction(){
   use myspace\myclass;

Included files will NOT inherit the parent file's importing rules as they are per file basis

Updated on: 18-Sep-2020


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