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Personal Information Security

person icon Ac


Personal Information Security

cybersecurity awareness, cybersecurity

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Ac

English [CC]

category icon Cyber Security,Cyber Security Awareness,Cyber Security Social Engineering,Cyberrisks

Lectures -18

Resources -16

Duration -8.5 hours



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Course Description

The digital information that have now become our digital identity have become more and more valuable, but the attention paid to protecting them has not increased in equal measure, and among the many reasons why this has not happened, the first is undoubtedly the lack of tangibility of the risks: we do not perceive them until they present the bill. Exactly what happens when somebody sign a contract with closed eyes. Even worse, we often entrust them to third parties who are neither able nor interested in truly protecting them. We have seen in recent years how even the most famous big names of the Internet have had very serious and unacceptable security problems, sometimes culpable but sometimes malicious. And what can happen when in addition to commercial interests, on top of our data, inclinations and behavior, also criminal or political interests surface?

We have filled our homes and offices with devices that sometimes work behind our backs, or we have chosen services thinking there was no alternative but to sacrifice our privacy and security. But even the apparently banal things can have a heavy bill; let's make a few examples:

  • How many use passwords that are the same for all services, built on personal information (names, affections, birth dates, logical patterns...), because one does not know how to easily manage dozens and dozens of complex passwords, whose information used to create them are publicly visible on their social profiles?
  • How much of this information are even used to recover access to a bank account, such as with the "security questions" that have very little security?
  • How many post their movements on social networks allowing thieves to enter their homes at the best time, or post photos taken at home in which their security systems are visible?
  • How many use cloud services without knowing which of them by contract, can do whatever they want with the data they upload to them and that perhaps could be valuable projects?

Just as a financial culture can help to protect savings, a culture about the conscious use of technology can help protect oneself. Sometimes all it takes is small actions such as small habit changes to achieve great results, but the difficulty is figuring out where to start to get to the required awareness without necessarily becoming an IT expert.

This course was created exactly with that goal in mind. It tells events involving the technologies we use every day that are unknown to many, touching ethical and legal aspects. It collects all the most important actions and tools by contextualizing them and allowing even non-experts to start protecting themselves right away, coming to gain autonomy in choosing privacy-friendly IT applications and services.


In this course you will learn:

  • how mass surveillance and profiling work and how to defend ourself;
  • what tools to use, how to choose them, and what practices to adopt to protect ourself;
  • useful strategies to protect own business;
  • how to increase anonymity and reduce own digital fingerprint on the Internet;
  • how to communicate by circumventing censorship;
  • how to correct bad habits in the use of own devices that can harm us and secure passwords and accounts;
  • the background of the technology we use every day with an overview of news from around the world;
  • how and why the threats we face today arose and what risks we face;
  • how the Internet has changed from its origins to become the network we know today;
  • what other threats we may face in the future.


No knowledge or experience is necessary. The course is designed for people who want to learn from scratch or learn more about topics that are increasingly felt nowadays without becoming experts on the subject, and is developed without the use of technicalities.

In particular, this course has been developed for:

  • people with no experience in cybersecurity who want to gain a higher level of awareness about the dangers and defend themselves without becoming experts;
  • people looking for practical, easy-to-apply tips for using their devices more securely and protecting their communications and sensitive information;
  • people curious about the background of today's most prevalent technologies and the events around the world that have seen them take center stage in recent years.
Personal Information Security


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

The basics
4 Lectures
  • play icon Presentation, objectives and structure 19:30 19:30
  • play icon Internet, 1995 circa 16:08 16:08
  • play icon The Privacy 10:01 10:01
  • play icon What are the dangers? 31:45 31:45
Internet, from 2008 to TODAY
3 Lectures
Identifying the weak points
1 Lectures
How to protect ourselves
7 Lectures
Choosing the tools
1 Lectures
In conclusion
2 Lectures

Instructor Details



I’ve been a telecommunications enthusiast in every form since I was a kid. I started as self-taught, which allowed me to develop a large part of my cultural background. Although I am trained as a mechanic, another subject of interest to me, I have always worked on data acquisition of any kind, automation, telecommunications and software development. My personal baggage has allowed me to make working experiences that have further increased it over the almost twenty years in which I have worked for large companies in the automotive and railway sector in Piedmont.

But since more than a decade I have come across a new topic of interest that continues to grow and make people talk about it: cybersecurity.

Obviously as a good self-taught I studied it according to my tested methods (and my possibilities) but I did not limit myself to the purely technical field, because I thought it was just the tip of an iceberg. I studied it day by day from foreign sources observing the speculative political and financial interests that revolved around the advance of computerization and the effects it had in certain contexts. Over time, I have seen a distressing picture taking form. In recent years, when arguments about privacy erosion and mass surveillance started to emerge even where I live, I noticed a lot of interest but also a lot of confusion about how to react in a practical way. Among friendly consultations and chats, many have suggested me to start teaching courses for those who want to become aware of the topic and be able to defend themselves without having to become experts. So this course was born.

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