Performance of Paging

Paging is a memory management method. The operating system may create and deallocate memory in pages, which are smaller, fixed-size pieces. The operating system can use virtual memory thanks to paging, which allows a process to access more memory than is physically accessible. Page faults and page replacement overheads are nonetheless also introduced when paging is used. Thus, while designing and refining current operating systems, paging performance is a key consideration.

This article will cover a number of performance-related topics related to paging, including benchmarking, page replacement techniques, the working set model, thrashing, page size selection, TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) and caching, and conclusions.

Page Replacement Algorithms

A page fault happens when a process tries to access a page that is not already in physical memory, in which case the operating system must load the page from the disc into memory. The operating system must decide which page to remove from memory in order to create a place for the new page if there is no free memory available. Page replacement is the procedure, and it's one of the most important elements impacting how well paging works.

The operating system can select which page to remove using one of numerous page replacement techniques. Some most popular algorithms are as follows −

First-In-First-Out (FIFO)

Using this method, the first page loaded into memory is removed.

Least Recently Used (LRU)

The page that has not been viewed for the longest period of time gets removed using the Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm.

Clock (or Second Chance)

This technique is comparable to FIFO but offers recently read pages a second opportunity.

Every algorithm has benefits and drawbacks, and the selection of an algorithm is based on the particular needs and features of the system.

Working Set Model

The working set model is a method for calculating how much memory a process will use. The working set, or collection of pages that each process often accesses, is assumed by the model. The bare minimum of pages needed to keep the process operating effectively is known as the working set size.

By changing the size of the process' working set, the working set concept may be utilized to improve paging speed. The process will frequently encounter page faults if the working set is too small, and memory will be wasted if the working set is too big.


Thrashing is a phenomenon that happens when the operating system pages in and out of memory more often than it actually runs the task. Thrashing significantly slows down the system, which makes it a serious performance issue.

When the operating system struggles to strike a balance between the number of pages allotted to each process and the overall amount of memory accessible, thrashing happens. When a process is given too few pages, it frequently encounters page faults, which requires the operating system to spend extra time paging pages in and out of memory. But if a process is given too many pages, the operating system will run out of memory and will have to start swapping pages to disc, which is a sluggish operation.

Page Size Selection

The performance of paging is significantly impacted by the page size as well. More precise memory management is produced by smaller pages, which lowers the quantity of unused memory. Smaller pages, however, can result in a larger page table, which may slow down page table lookups. Larger pages, on the other hand, result in less wasted memory but lower the size of the page table.

The selection of page size is based on the particular needs and system features. In general, 4KB or 8KB pages are used by the majority of contemporary operating systems.

Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) and Cache

Cache and the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) are two hardware elements that can boost paging speed.

The TLB serves as a cache for page table items that have recently been accessed. The CPU initially searches the TLB when it wants to convert a virtual address into a physical address. If the translation can be readily accessed by the CPU, it will be stored in the TLB. If the translation is not in the TLB, a slower lookup in the page table must be done by the CPU.

Particularly in systems with big page tables, the usage of TLB can dramatically minimize the cost of lookups in page tables.

Another piece of hardware that might enhance paging speed is the cache. The frequently requested pages are kept in the cache, which is a compact, quick memory. The operating system initially searches the cache whenever it wants to access a page. The operating system can rapidly access the page without having to read it from the disc if it is discovered in the cache.

In systems with a high level of the locality of reference, the usage of caching can considerably lower the number of page faults.


The technique of assessing and contrasting the effectiveness of various systems or algorithms is known as benchmarking. Benchmarking can be used to compare the performance of various page replacement methods, page sizes, TLB settings, and cache configurations in the context of paging.

SPEC CPU and SPECint are two examples of common benchmarks used in the operating systems industry. These benchmarks offer a collection of uniform tests that may be used to compare how well various systems perform when subjected to various workloads.


Modern operating systems must be designed and optimized with the performance of paging in mind. A process can access more memory than is physically accessible because of the operating system's usage of virtual memory, which is made possible through paging. Page faults and page replacement overheads are nonetheless also introduced when paging is used.

Operating systems employ a number of strategies, including page replacement algorithms, the working set model, TLB, and caching, to enhance the speed of paging. The approach selected is determined by the particular needs and characteristics of the system.

Benchmarking is a useful tool for assessing how well various paging methods operate under various workloads. With current operating systems, great performance and effective memory utilization may be achieved by carefully adjusting the system settings and choosing the right paging mechanisms.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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