People say that nothing goes waste in a forest. Can you explain, how?

Forests are a self-sustaining system in nature, whatever is produced in the forest is utilised by different components of the forest and is naturally recycled.

All animals (whether herbivores, carnivores or omnivores) depend ultimately on plants for food. Green plants (Primary producers) manufacture food by the process of Photosynthesis, which are then eaten by Herbivores (Primary consumers). Carnivores (Secondrary consumers) eat herbivores. Omnivores eat both plants and animals. When plants and animals die, their dead remains are decomposed by microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) into nutrients, which are released back into the soil. From the soil, these nutrients are absorbed by the roots of living plants. This is called as recycling of nutrients. Hence, nothing goes waste in a forest.

Updated on: 31-Jan-2023


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