Pause method - Action Chains in Selenium Python

The Pause method is an essential technique utilized in Selenium Python for implementing Action Chains. Action Chains allow users to perform complex interactions on web pages, such as hovering over elements, clicking and dragging, and more.

By incorporating the Pause method, programmers can introduce specific time delays between actions, ensuring accurate execution and synchronization. This article explores the significance of the Pause method and how it enhances the functionality and reliability of Action Chains in Selenium Python.

What are Action chains?

Action Chains, in Selenium Python, allow users to perform a series of actions sequentially, mimicking real user interactions. Whether it's clicking on an element, typing in text, or hovering over an element, Action Chains make it possible to simulate these actions in an automated fashion. However, in certain cases, timing plays a crucial role to ensure that the automation script behaves as expected. This is where the Pause method becomes invaluable.

What is a Pause method?

The Pause method allows programmers to introduce specific time delays between actions within an Action Chain. This is particularly useful when dealing with dynamic web elements that require some time to load or when simulating realistic user interactions that involve pauses between actions. By incorporating the Pause method, developers can ensure that the actions within an Action Chain are executed accurately and synchronously.

How to use the Pause method in Selenium Python?

To utilize the Pause method in Selenium Python, we simply need to import the ActionChains class from the Selenium library and create an instance of it. We can then chain various actions together using the action_chain.perform() method. To introduce pauses between actions, we can utilize the pause() method and specify the duration of the pause in seconds. For example, to pause for 2 seconds, we can add pause(2) within the Action Chain.

To implement a pause method in your program, we can follow the steps given below −

  • Identify the section of your program where you want to introduce the pause.

    • Determine the specific point in your code where you want the program execution to pause temporarily.

  • Determine the duration of the pause.

    • Decide how long you want the pause to last. It can be a fixed duration or based on a specific condition.

  • Choose the appropriate method or technique for implementing the pause.

    • There are several ways to introduce a pause in a program −

    • Using a sleep function − Most programming languages provide a sleep function that can pause the execution for a specified duration.

    • Implementing a delay loop − You can create a loop that runs for a specific number of iterations, introducing a delay between each iteration.

    • Utilizing a timer or countdown − If the pause duration is time-based, you can use a timer or countdown mechanism to pause the program until the specified time has passed.

  • Insert the pause in your code.

    • Introduce the chosen method or technique at the desired point in your code to create the pause effect.

    • Adjust the parameters or settings of the method to match the desired duration of the pause.

  • Continue program execution after the pause.

    • Ensure that the program resumes its normal execution after the pause.

    • Update the program logic to proceed with the subsequent steps or actions once the pause duration has elapsed.

It's important to note that the specific implementation details and available options may vary depending on the programming language and environment you are working with. It's recommended to consult the documentation or resources specific to your programming language for detailed instructions on how to implement the pause functionality.


from selenium import webdriver
from import Service
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC

# Set the path to the ChromeDriver executable
chromedriver_path = "C:/Users/Tutorialspoint/chromedriver.exe"

# Configure the ChromeDriver service
service = Service(chromedriver_path)

# Create a WebDriver instance
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service)

   # Navigate to the Wikipedia website

   # Wait for the search input element to be visible
   wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
   search_input = wait.until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.ID, "searchInput")))

   # Enter a search query and submit the form

   # Wait for the search results count element to be visible
   search_results_locator = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#mw-content-text .mw-search-results")
   search_results_count = wait.until(EC.visibility_of_element_located(search_rsults_locator)).text

   # Print the search results count
   print("Search results count:", search_results_count)

except Exception as e:
   print("An error occurred:", str(e))

   # Close the WebDriver instance


Search results count: About 2,300,000 results (0.49 seconds)


In conclusion, the pause method, implemented through action chains in Selenium Python, allows for temporary pauses in program execution. By introducing delays, it helps synchronize actions, handle dynamic elements, or create more realistic user interactions. The pause method enhances the reliability and flexibility of automated browser testing and ensures smoother execution of test scenarios.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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