Yash scored 40 marks in a test, getting 3 marks for each right answer and losing 1 mark for each wrong answer. Had 4 marks been awarded for each correct answer and 2 marks been deducted for each incorrect answer, then Yash would have scored 50 marks. How many questions were there in the test?


Yash scored 40 marks in a test, getting 3 marks for each right answer and losing 1 mark for each wrong answer. Had 4 marks been awarded for each correct answer and 2 marks been deducted for each incorrect answer, then Yash would have scored 50 marks.

To do:

We have to find the total number of questions.
Let the number of questions answered correctly be $x$ and the number of questions answered incorrectly be $y$.

This implies,

 Total number of questions $=x+y$.

In the first case, 3 marks were awarded for each right answer and $-1$ for every wrong answer. 

According to the question,



In the second case, 4 marks were awarded for each right answer and $-2$ for every wrong answer. 

According to the question,





From (i) and (ii), we get,




This implies,




$\Rightarrow x+y=15+5=20$

The total number of questions in the test are 20.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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