Xylem is composed of four different types of elements. Explain them.

Xylem is composed of four different types of elements, they are given below:

1.Tracheids: These are the primal elements of xylem.

It serves for support and for upward conduction of water and dissolved minerals in all vascular plants. The average length of vessels is 1mm.

2. Vessels: These are long cylindrical structures that have an appearance like a tube. It is also known as trachea, it is one of the cell types and the most specialized and efficient conducting structure found in xylem which is efficient in transporting water, 

including necessary minerals from the root to the leaves and other parts of the plant.

The average length of vessels is 10cm.

3. Xylem Fibre: They are composed of dead cells and provide mechanical support to the water-conducting tissues.

4. Xylem Parenchyma: These are the only living cells of xylem and store starch and fat. They also assist in the short distance transportation of water.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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