Write the adaptional feature of an elephant.

Elephants live in hot, harsh environments, with intermittent droughts and surrounded by predators. Elephant’s adaptation helped them to survive harsh conditions.\r
Elephant’s adaptation features are as follows:\r
1) Structural adaptation: Sweat glands are absent in elephants, thus they flap their ears to cool themselves. Also, elephants spray water on themselves and roll in the mud.\r
2) The proper distribution of weight occurs in elephant to equalize the pressure exerted by their massive bodies during walking. Some species of elephants walk on their tippy-toes. The soles of their feet are cushioned with a thick fat tissue to distribute their weight.\r
3) As the neck of an elephant is too short, they have developed a muscular trunk. This trunk helps in smelling, touching, and transferring food and water from the ground to their mouth. Elephants also spray water and dust on their skin to protect themselves from insects and sunburn. \r
4) Elephants are herbivorous, so large molars in their mouths are well developed for chewing and grinding fibrous plant materials.\r
5) Elephants have very low-pitched sounds (infrasound) assisting them to communicate with each other.\r

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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