Write short notes on
  1. Metallurgical processes
  2. Uses of common metals and non-metals
  3. Noble metals

1. The metallurgical process can be divided into the following steps:

  • The concentration of the ore
  • Reduction of the metal compound to get free metal
  • Refining of metal.

2. Uses of common metals and non-metals :

  • Uses of metals – for making machinery, automobiles, industrial gadgets, building, bridges, cooking utensils, electrical gadgets, jewellery, sheets.
  • Uses of non-metals – oxygen is used by plants and animals for their survival, nitrogen is used by plants for their growth, chlorine is used in water purification to kill germs, sulphur is used for making sulphuric acid, tincture iodine has antiseptic properties.
3. Noble metals – Gold, silver and platinum are noble metals. They occur free in nature and maintain their lustre for a long time. Platinum, gold and silver are used for making jewellery as they do not tarnish easily.

Updated on: 17-Mar-2023


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