Write algebraic expressions for the following

a Seven more than a number divided by six

b Half of a number decreased by three

c $ x $ multiplied by five and added to three times $ \gamma $

d 10 added to nine times $ x $

To do:

We have to write the given statements as algebraic expressions. 

a) Seven more than a number divided by six.

Let the number be $x$.

This implies the given statement can be written as,


b) Half of a number decreased by three.

Let the number be $x$.

This implies the given statement can be written as,


c) \( x \) multiplied by five and added to three times \( \gamma \).

This implies the given statement can be written as,


d) 10 added to nine times \( x \).

This implies the given statement can be written as,


Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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