Write about 10 ornamental plants with information on the specific plants.

Following are 10 ornamental plants and a little description of them.

1. Fibre Optic Grass Plant

 The fiber optic grass plant is an ornamental plant that belongs to the sedge family and blooms year-round in warm climates or a sunny window. The tip of the long slender blades of the plant is decked with small terminal flower heads giving a resemblance to fiber-optic lamps.

2. Air Plant There are many varieties of air plants. They usually have grey or green blades and grow only a few inches. This ornamental garden plant does not anchor itself to the soil, you can suspend them in glass globes, beds of dry pebbles, shells, barks, etc. hence known as an Air Plant.
3. Water Bamboo Water bamboo is one of the most affordable plants that are widely exchanged as gifts because they are believed to bring good luck, health, wealth, prosperity, and positivity. 
4. Bonsai Bonsai are dwarfed potted trees and growing them is considered as an art form in Chinese horticulture practice. They have textured barks, thick trunks, and attractively intertwined live woods.
5. Chinese Money Plant The Chinese money plant or the Friendship Plant has round coin-shaped leaves and upright stems. They are bold, a decorative plant that looks stunning in short pots and grows well in bright indirect light. 
6. Peace Lily The peace lily is a large flowering plant that also makes for a perfect gift for loved ones. It has sturdy, glossy leaves with arum-shaped flamboyant white blooms. This gorgeous ornamental plant is also favored for its air purifying traits.
7. String Of Pearls A string of pearls is a succulent with delicate tendrils of round beads. If you are seeking the best ornamental garden plants, this should definitely be on your list as they make a wonderful display in hanging baskets. They are drought resistant and grow several feet spilling over the edge of the plant.
8.  Bunny Ear Cactus Bunny ear cactus, also known as Polka Dot cactus or Angel’s Wings is a Mexican cactus with clump-shaped circular pads. These ornamental garden plants are 2 to 3 feet tall succulents with short whitish brown prickles. During summers, they produce creamy yellow flowers and globular purple fruits.
9. Snake Plant The snake plant or Mother in Law’s Tongue plant has robust, textured leaves in a sword-like shape spiraling slightly through the length. The plant can grow upto 1 meter long.
10. Silver Nerve Plant Silver nerve plant has deep green leaves that have delicately veined leaves running throughout. That being the focal point, these vein tints can vary from white, silver to green, pink, etc.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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