Why does the water spilled on the floor disappear after some time?

Due to evaporation, the water spilled is changed into water vapor. Hence, it disappears after some time.

[Extra information: 

The process by which a liquid changes into vapor form, below its boiling point, is known as Evaporation.

The various factors that affect evaporation are:

1. Temperature: The rate of evaporation increases with the increasing temperature. The rate of evaporation and temperature are proportional to each other.

2. Surface area: The rate of evaporation increases with the increased surface area. The rate of evaporation and surface area are proportional to each other.

3. Humidity: The rate of evaporation decreases with an increase in humidity. The rate of evaporation and humidity are inversely proportional to each other.

4. Wind speed: The rate of evaporation increases with wind speed. The rate of evaporation and wind speed are proportional to each other.]

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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