Why do fish and frogs lay eggs in hundreds but a hen lays only one egg at a time?

Fish and Frogs lay eggs in hundreds but a hen lays only one egg at a time because reproductive cells are different for different organisms.

The Ova (egg) of a hen is larger than those of fish and frogs that’s why the hen lays one egg at a time. 

One more reason for this is, external fertilization takes place in frog and fish, because of which they mostly lay their eggs in water, the females lay a vast number of eggs in water and males release millions of sperms on them to be fertilized.

But, many of the sperms are washed away by the current of water, and many of the eggs are eaten by the organisms living in the water.

Even after this, some eggs get fertilized to form larva, are eaten by other organisms and only a few of them stay alive to become an adult frog or fish. So, to protect their generation frog & fish have to lay thousands of eggs at a time.


In the case of a hen, internal fertilization occurs and they lay eggs on land, so the survival of the baby which would hatch from the egg has much higher rates than frog and fish.

So, the hen lays only one egg at a time.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2023


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