Why do we need to group materials? Give one reason.

We often group materials for our convenience. It helps to describe their properties.

[Extra information: Sorting of objects into groups with each group having its own characteristic properties is called classification of objects. 

Purpose:  We sort objects into groups because it makes it convenient to study their properties and also observe any patterns in these properties. It also helps us to locate any object. 

Importance: Sorting of materials helps us to arrange them in a systemic manner. It is easier and faster to find items in a sorted list than in an unsorted one. Moreover, it is easier to analyze the characteristics of materials and look for trends in their properties when they are sorted. The objects that are grouped are easy to handle. It saves our time, effort, energy, and labor. It also .makes our work easier.

Example: A perfect example is the creation of the Periodic Table where different elements were arranged systematically in rows and columns on the basis of their chemical properties and behavior.

Another example is Library where the books are arranged in shelves alphabetically and according to the subject matter.]

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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