Why different animals live in a different environment?

The different animals live in a different environment so that their basic needs for the survival are fulfilled, such as food, water, and habitat (Grasslands, Rainforests, Deserts, and Arctic Tundra).


Every organism has a unique ecosystem according to its physical adaptation or structural adaptation, like the size or shape of the animal's body, or the way in which its body works. Or it may be the way the animal behaves. This ecosystem is its natural habitat.

Examples of the basic adaptations that help organisms to survive:

1. Type of limb (to fly, walk and swim).

2. Type of skin (to camouflage).

3. The thickness or thinness of the fur.

4. Colour of the fur.

5. Shape of a bird's beak.

6. Shape of the nose or ears.

7. Number of fingers.

8. Structure of the body.

Camel is adapted to live in the hot desert climate, by storing fat in the hump on their back, which is used as energy when it does not get anything to eat and has large flat padded feet, that helps them to walk easily on the sand

Polar Bear is adapted to live in a harsh cold climate by storing food in their body and protecting themselves from the cold with thick furs. 

Cheetah's body is shaped for running at a fast speed.

Vulture has a strong and heavy beak for tearing skin, muscle, and even bone.

Rabbit has a long ear which enables rapid detection of sound coming from different angles at a distance.

Updated on: 27-Mar-2023


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