Why are proteins known as bodybuilding foods?

Proteins are referred to as "bodybuilding foods" since they are utilized to create and repair bodily tissue. They aid in the battle against infection and boost the body's immune system. Additionally, they serve as a source of fuel, as our body consumes excess protein for energy.

Seafood, lean meat and chicken, fish, eggs, beans and peas, soy, yogurt, cheese, and unsalted nuts and seeds are examples of protein-rich foods.

Protein is essential for a healthy heart and body; animal sources of protein, including eggs, are "better" for you nutritionally because they contain all of the essential amino acids; as with most nutrients and vitamins, both too much and too little protein have negative effects on the body; and, unlike fat, protein cannot be "stored" but must be consumed daily.

Protein is a crucial component in transporting cholesterol and avoiding cardiovascular disease.

Protein is required for:

  • From our bones to our muscles, arteries and veins, skin, hair, and fingernails, we are literally composed of protein. Our heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and lungs are composed of protein-based tissue.
  • Proteins help transport the oxygen that makes our blood appear red.
  • Proteins, in the form of enzymes, digest food, produce vital compounds and degrade waste for removal.
  • When fat and carbs are inadequate, proteins provide the necessary life-sustaining energy.
  • Combining proteins with sterols results in the formation of hormones, which govern the subtle chemical changes that occur continually throughout the body.
  • Chromosomes, which transmit our traits to our offspring, contain protein in their structure.
  • Protein is essential for transporting fat and cholesterol throughout the body. Protein deficiency is a deficiency in the basic essence of life.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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