Which type of mirror is used in a solar furnace? Support your answer with reason.

A concave mirror is used in a solar furnace.

concave mirror, also known as a converging mirror is used in a solar furnace because when the solar furnace is placed at the focus of a large concave reflector, it gathers a large number of parallel light rays coming from the sun, and converges it at the focus of the mirror due to which the furnace kept at the focus becomes very hot and helps in cooking the food. Also, steel can be melted in this furnace.


Parabolic or spherical reflector type solar cookers use a parabolic-shaped reflector (concave mirror) to direct sunlight to a small area in order to generate heat for cooking. The concentrated UV rays reach extremely high temperatures of 260°C (500°F) to 371°C (700°F), which allows them to be used for grilling and frying.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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