Which of the non-living things listed below, were once part of a living thing?
Butter, Leather, Soil, Wool, Electric bulb, Cooking oil, Salt, Apple, Rubber

Butter, Leather, Wool, Cooking oil, Apple, and Rubber were once part of a living thing.


Butter is obtained from milk that comes from cows;

Leather is obtained from the skin of animals such as cows, goats, sheep etc;

Wool is obtained from the animals like sheep;

Cooking oil and rubber are obtained from plants; 

Apple is obtained from trees.

The special characteristics of living things are as follows:

• Living things require food because it provides nutrition and energy to living beings such as plants and animals.
• Living things respond to stimuli by showing a reaction to an extreme change in the environment. For example, peacock starts dancing in the monsoon season seeing rain.
• Living things grow from child to adult. Example: puppy grows to dog and kittens to cat and sunflower seed to sunflower plant.
• Living things such as humans, birds, and insects move from one place to another for food, protection, different activities, etc.
• Living things breathe to convert food into energy as an important process for survival.

• Living things reproduce to produce their own kind.
• Living things excrete to get rid of toxic substances from our bodies.

• Living things have a definite life span where they grow old and die.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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