Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
A. Probability of an event can never exceed 1.
B. The median of the data 21, 26, 16, 29, 32 is 16.
C. The mode of a set of data is the value which occurs most often.
D. Double bar graphs are used to compare two sets of data.

A. Probability of an event can never exceed 1.

This statement is correct as probability cannot exceed 1.
B.  The median of the data 21, 26, 16, 29, 32 is,

On arranging the data in increasing order, we get,

16, 21, 26, 29, 32.

Median or the middle term is 26.

Option B is incorrect.

C. The mode of a set of data is the value which occurs most often.

This statement is correct.

D. Double bar graphs are used to compare two sets of data.

This statement is correct.

Option B is the correct answer.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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