Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) All metals are ductile.
(b) All non-metals are ductile.
(c) Generally, metals are ductile.(d) Some non-metals are ductile.

Correct answer: (c) Generally, metals are ductile.

Explanation: Ductility is a quality that allows a substance to be pulled into thin wires. Most metals are ductile, with the exception of mercury, as it is a liquid.

[Extra information:  Some properties of metals are given below:
  1. The density of metals is usually high.
  2. Metals are malleable and ductile.
  3. Metals form an alloy with other metals or non-metals.
  4. Some metals react with air and corrode. For e.g. Iron.
  5. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. Lead is an exception.
  6. Generally, metals are in a solid-state at room temperature. Except for Mercury. Mercury is in a liquid state.
  7. Many metals produce metal oxide by burning in the oxygen of the air. Highly reactive metals react violently when they’re burnt in oxygen.
  8. Metals like sodium and potassium are stored in oil as they react with air in seconds. They’re highly reactive metals.
  9. Less reactive metals like gold, silver, platinum, etc do not tarnish easily. They stay shiny and lustrous.
  10. Metals produce metal oxide and hydrogen gas while reacting with water.]

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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