Which of the following is not a part of the female reproductive system in human beings?
(a) Ovary
(b) Uterus
(c) Vas deferens
(d) Fallopian tube

Correct Answer: (c) vas deferens


Vas deferens is not a part of the female reproductive system in human beings. It is a part of the male reproductive system.

The female reproductive system organs comprise the ovaries, fallopian tube (uterine tube), uterus, cervix, and vagina.


(i) Ovary: The function of the ovary is to produce one egg every month. It is also responsible for the production of female hormones.

(ii) Uterus: The function of the uterus is to prepare itself every month by thickening the endometrium lining of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg or a zygote. Thus, the embryo gets implanted in the soft lining of the uterus. The embryo implantation helps in the further development of the embryo and also helps obtain nutrients and oxygen required for its development.

(iii) Fallopian tubes: The fallopian tubes, also known as uterine tubes or oviducts, are the female structures that allow the transport of eggs from the ovary to the uterus. It is the structure where the fertilization of eggs and sperm takes place.

In humans, the average length of the gestation period is 280 days or 40 weeks, initiating from the first day of the woman's last menstrual period.

Updated on: 06-Jan-2023


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