Which numbers among 2,3,5,6,9 divides 12345 exactly

Given: The number is 12345

To do: Find which number from 2,3,4,5,6,9 divides 12454 exactly


Lets us check with 2: We can see that the number is ending with 5 and not an odd number so its not divisible by 2

Lets us check with 3: The sum of the number 12345 is 15 which is divisible by 3 therefore the number is divisible by three

Let us check with 4: Since it is not a divisible of and the last number is 5 which is nit divisible by 4 so the whole number is not divisible by 

Let us check with 5: The number ends with 5 so it is divisible by 5

Let us check with 6: A number to be divisible by 6 it should be divisible by both 2 and 3 , since 12345 is not divisible by 2 it is not divisible by 6

Let us check with 9: The sum of the number is 15 which is not divisible by 9, therefore the number is not divisible by 9

Therefore the number 12345 is divisible by only 3 and 5

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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