Which is greater?
$( 5+7) \times 10$ or $ 5+7\times10​$ 

Given :

The given terms are $( 5+7) \times 10$ and  $ 5+7\times10​$.

To find :

We have to find which is greater among the given terms.


Solution :

We have to follow Bodmas method in these type of problems. Bracket followed by Multiplication and then Addition.

$( 5+7) \times 10 $

$( 5+7) \times 10 = (12) \times 10 = 120 $      (Here, solving bracket first)

 $ 5+7\times10​$

$ 5+7\times10​ = 5 + 70 = 75 $                  (Here, Multiplication comes first)

120 is greater than 75.


$( 5+7) \times 10 $ is Greater than  $ 5+7\times10​$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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