When we drink milk, then why we need Sunlight?

There is an important and strong connection between Sunlight and Milk.

We drink milk because it is a good source of many nutrients, including, fat, protein, vitamin, carbohydrates, phosphorous, riboflavin, and calcium.

Now, for proper absorption of CALCIUM, we need enough Vitamin D that is not found in the milk.

Biologically, our body is able to produce Vitamin D (Calcitriol), but it needs Sunlight to be synthesized.

That's why after drinking milk or eating food that contains calcium we need to expose our skin to sunlight so that the sun's ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit cholesterol in the skin cells and provide energy for the synthesis of Vitamin D.

If you have ever taken a calcium supplement (tablet), you will know that it usually comes with Vit D, so that calcium can be absorbed well.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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