What is the role of diaphragm in respiration?

During the inspiration process of respiration, the muscles of the diaphragm contract, pulling the diaphragm downwards, forming it flat in appearance. This increases the volume of the thorax, the pressure inside the lungs falls down and air rushes into the fill, expands the chest cavity and lungs, and causes the air to rush into the lungs.

[Extra information:

During inspiration,

(i) diaphragm: the muscles of the diaphragm contract, pulling the diaphragm downwards, forming it flat in appearance.

(ii) ribcage: the external intercostal muscles contract, and leads to the pulling of the ribcage upward and outwards.

(iii) chest cavity:  inspiration increases the volume of the thorax, the pressure inside the lungs falls down and air rushes into the fill, expands the chest cavity and lungs.

Inspiration activity increases the volume of the thorax, the pressure inside the lungs falls down and causes the air to rush into the lungs.]

Updated on: 16-Jan-2023


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