What is the difference between Silk Cloth and Fibre Cloth?

Fibres are thread-like structures that are long, thin and flexible. These may be spun into yarns and then made into fabrics. There can be different types of fibres. On the basis of their origin, fibres are classified as natural fibres and synthetic fibres.

Silk is a natural animal fibre. We get silk from the cocoons of Silk Worms.

• The process of silk production is known as sericulture.

• The entire production process of silk can be divided into several steps which are typically handled by different entities.

• Extracting raw silk starts by cultivating the silkworms on mulberry leaves. 

• Once the worms start pupating in their cocoons, these are dissolved in boiling water in order for individual long fibres to be extracted and fed into the spinning reel.

There are four types of natural silk produced in India for commercial purposes, which are known as Mulberry silk, Tasar silk, Muga silk, and Eri silk. 

  • Among these four kinds, the mulberry silk contributes to more than 80% of the silk produced in the country, with the mulberry silkworm generally being regarded as the most important.

  • Tussar Silk, also known as Tassar Silk is an exquisite thread obtained from a wide-winged moth that is yellowish-brown in colour. The scientific name of these moths is Antheraea Paphia and they are a part of the group known as Emperor Moths or Saturnids. They are made from silk that is produced from silkworms that breed on wild forest trees, not mulberry trees. It is cheaper than mulberry silk.

  • Muga silk is a variety of wild silk geographically tagged to the state of Assam in India. The silk is known for its extreme durability and has a natural yellowish-golden tint with a shimmering, glossy texture. It was previously reserved for the use of royalty.

  • Eri silk comes from the caterpillar of Samia ricini, found in northeast India. The name "eri" is derived from the Assamese word "era", which means "castor", as the silkworm feeds on castor plants.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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