What is the difference between protein-energy-malnutrition (PEM) and malnutrition?

Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is the lack of energy caused by the deficiency of macronutrients and micronutrients. It can be mild, moderate or severe.

PEM is classified into two types such as Primary PEM and Secondary PEM.

Primary PEM occurs in children and rarely in adults. It is of two types such as Kwashiorkor and Marasmus.

Secondary PEM is caused by the disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, infections, hyperthyroidism, trauma, burns, and critical illnesses.

Malnutrition means lack of sufficient nutrients in the body. It is a serious health condition that occurs when a person's diet does not supply the required amount of one or more nutrients.

Nutrients essential in the diet, include calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, or minerals. It can lead to serious health issues, such as eye problems, stunted growth, heart disease and diabetes.

Malnutrition can be divided into two types:

Undernutrition: A condition where a person does not get enough nutrients, such as protein, calories or micronutrients, and leads to malnutrition that usually results in stunted growth, swollen stomach, dry hair or skin.

Overnutrition: A condition where a person received more nutrients, such as protein, calories or fat, that lead to malnutrition and usually results in overweight or obesity.

Updated on: 20-Mar-2023


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