What is the difference between Concave Mirror and Convex Mirror?

The differences between Concave Mirror and Convex Mirror are as follow:

Basis for ComparisonConcave Mirror Convex Mirror

Concave mirror refers to the mirror that is curved inward in the middle, and whose reflecting surface is towards the centre of curvature.

Convex mirror refers to the mirror that is curved outward in the middle and, whose reflecting surface is away from the centre of curvature.

ShapeConverging mirror. Diverging mirror.

Position of the FocusThe focus lies in front of the mirror i.e. focal length, is positive.The focus lies behind the mirror i.e. focal length is negative.
ImageReal, inverted and enlarged image is formed (except when the object is between P and F where the image is virtual, erect and enlarged). Virtual, erect and diminished image is formed.
Image ProjectionImages can be projected on a screen as they are real. Images can't be projected on a screen as they are virtual.
Used inReflecting telescopes, shaving mirrors, torchlights, etc. as they give a magnified image of the objects. Side view or rearview mirrors in vehicles as they cover a wider area of view.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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