What is natural wool?

Dear Gitika,

Wool is obtained from Animals fleece. 

The steps involved in obtaining wool are:

Step I. The fleece of the sheep along with a thin layer of skin is removed from its body, this process is called as shearing.

Step II. The sheared skin with hair is thoroughly washed in tanks to remove grease, dust and dirt and this process is called scouring.

Step III. After scouring, sorting is done. The hairy skin is sent to a factory where hair of different textures are separated or sorted.

Step IV. Then the small fluffy fibres, called burrs are picked out from the hair. The fibres are scoured again and then dried. This gives us the wool ready to be drawn into fibres.

Step V. The fibres are dyed in various colours, as the natural fleece of sheep and goats is black, brown or white.

Step VI. Finally, fibres are straightened, combed and rolled into yarn. The longer fibres are made into wool for sweaters and the shorter fibres are spun and woven into woollen cloth

 The longer fibres are made into wool for sweaters, while the shorter fibres are spun and woven into woollen materals.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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