What is humus and its function in the crops?

The word Humus is derived from the Latin word ‘humus’ means 'earth, ground'.

It is thick brown or black, organic material that forms in soil when organic litter (plant and animal) decays or decomposed.

When the leaves, twigs, and other material drops from the plant to the ground and piles up, it is known as leaf litter.

When animals, die, their remains add to the litter, and over time, all this litter decomposes. This means it decays, or breaks down, into its most basic chemical elements. Many of these chemicals are very important nutrients for the soil.

Humus is considered as the backbone of crop production as it has a major role in their growth. 

The functions of humus are as follows:

1. Humus serves as a source of nitrogen, and sulfur for higher plants & makes the soil more fertile. 

2. It helps to prevent disease in plants and food crops.

3. Serves as a source of energy for the growth and development of microorganisms.

4. It gives the soil the ability to absorb and maintain moisture.

Updated on: 27-Apr-2023


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