What is Handpicking and Threshing?


1. Handpicking is the simplest technique or method for separating unwanted substances or impurities by hand.

2. It involves simply picking out one of the components from the mixture which is in a small quantity from others. 

3. This method is used when items differ from each other on the basis of color, shape, size and weight.

4. Example- small pieces of stones are separated from the wheat, rice, and pulses. (on the basis of shape & size)

- separating chillies from the basket of a lady's finger. (on the basis of size)

- separating lentils from the rice. (on the basis of color and shape)



1. It is the process of loosening the edible part of the grain or seeds (or other crops) from the straw and chaff to which it is attached. 

2. It is the next process after harvesting in which stems and chaffs of wheat or paddy are separated from the grains.

3. The process can be done manually by beating it on a solid surface or by using a threshing machine.

4. Stalks or stems of crop plants and the chaff are soft material whereas the grains themselves are very hard, therefore after striking it the heavy hard grains get detached from the soft stalks.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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