What is difference between reverseval and irreversible change

Reversible changes

Reversible changes: The changes which can be brought back to its original form are known as reversible changes. For example, melting of wax and stretching of a rubber band.

A reversible change is a change that can be undone or reversed. A reversible change might change how a material looks or feels, but it doesn't create new materials. Examples of reversible reactions include dissolving, evaporation, melting, and freezing.

Irreversible changes: The changes in which the matter cannot be brought back to its original state are known as irreversible changes

Most physical changes are reversible. Chemical changes are not generally reversible.

In a reversible process, at each point along the process path, the system is only slightly removed from being in thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings. For an irreversible process, the system is not close to thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings at each point along the path.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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