What is bacteria?

  • Bacteria are microscopic living organisms, usually single-celled, that can be found everywhere.
  • They are a few micrometres in length.
  • Bacteria are classified into 5 groups according to their basic shapes: spherical (cocci), rod (bacilli), spiral (spirilla), comma (vibrios), or corkscrew (spirochaetes). They can exist as single cells, in pairs, chains or clusters.
  • They are of different types depending upon their habitat.
  • Bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of its habitats.
  • They can be dangerous, such as when they cause infection.
  • They can also be beneficial, as in the process of fermentation (such as in wine) and that of decomposition.
  • Example: Cyanobacteria, Acetobacter, etc.


Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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