What is Food?

Food is the nutritious substance that living organisms eat to obtain energy.

The energy obtained from food is required for the growth and repair of the body and to perform various activities.

Humans are required to consume food from all three food groups (grains, vegetables, and fruits) every day so as to provide for all the basic requirements of the body, for this reason, we should always have a Balanced Diet.

A balanced diet is one that contains different kinds of foods in certain proportions so that the requirement for calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and alternative nutrients is adequate for the day.

A healthy diet helps to maintain or improve the overall health of the Individual.

 For example, a 12-year-old child, the food should contain:

NutrientsFood itemsCalories (1200-1700 kcal)
CarbohydratesGrains, cereals175
ProteinsEgg, meat, soybean, fish, milk65
FatsCheese, butter, oil45
VitaminsSprouts, fruits, vegetables0.09
Dietary fibersFruits, vegetables, whole grains20
MineralsSprouts, fruits, vegetables

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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