What is a source of energy? What are the two main categories of the sources of energy?

A source of energy is defined as the source which can provide an adequate amount of energy in a convenient form for a long period of time.
The two main categories of the sources of energy are:
(i) Renewable source of energy.       
(ii) Non-renewable source of energy.

Extra information for reference only

On the basis of availability, natural resources are divided into two types:

1. Renewable- These types of resources are available in infinite quantity and can be replenished naturally and used repeatedly. 

Example- Sunlight, wind, water, etc.

2. Non-Renewable- These types of resources are limited because either they form slowly, or do not form naturally in the environment due to their non-renewable nature. Their availability may run out in the future.

Examples- Minerals, fossil fuels, etc.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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