What happens when magnesium ribbon is burnt in the air and the product obtained is dissolved in water?

Identify the nature of the final product with the help of indicators.

 When a magnesium ribbon is heated, it burns in air to form magnesium oxide.
$2Mg\ +\ O_{2} \ \rightarrow \ 2MgO$
 Magnesium (Mg) is oxidized and Oxygen (O2) is reduced.
To find the nature of the final product obtained-
Magnesium oxide is dissolved in water and shaken thoroughly. The solution is then divided in two parts.
  • When we dip blue litmus paper into one of the test tubes containing magnesium oxide solution then there is no change in colour.
  • When we dip red litmus paper to another test tube containing magnesium oxide solution then we see that red litmus paper turns blue.
  • As only basic substances turn red litmus to blue. Since magnesium oxide solution turns red litmus to blue, therefore, it is basic in nature.

 $MgO + H_2O \rightarrow  Mg(OH)_2$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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