What cross-sections do you get when you give a
$(i)$ vertical cut
$(ii)$ horizontal cut to the following solids?
$(a)$ A brick
$(b)$ A round apple
$(c)$ A die
$(d)$ A circular pipe
$(e)$ An ice cream cone

Given: Different solids: $(a)$ A brick $(b)$ A round apple $(c)$ A die

$(d)$ A circular pipe $(e)$ An ice cream cone.

To do: To find the cross-section obtained when: $(i)$ vertical cut $(ii)$ horizontal cut is given to the solids.


We know that if we give a cut ($vertical\ and\ horizontal)$ to a solid shape then we obtain different type of cross sections in different solids:

ShapesVertical CutHorizontal Cut
Cube2 rectangular face shapes2 rectangular face shapes
Cuboid2 rectangular face shapes
2 rectangular face shapes
Cylinder2 rectangular face shapes
2 cylindrical shapes
Sphere2 semi-circular face shapes2 semi-circular face shapes
Cone2 triangular face shapes1 small cone and 1 frustum

$(a)$ A brick

Vertical cut: We will get 2 rectangle shape pieces of length half the length of brick but the breath will be the same

Horizontal cut: We will get 2 pieces of rectangle shape each of the same lengths but with half the breadth of the brick.

$(b)$ A round apple

Vertical cut: We will get 2 semi-circle shape pieces of the same diameter.

Horizontal cut: We will get 2 semi-circle shape pieces of the same diameter.

$(c)$ A dice

Vertical cut: We will get 2 rectangular shape pieces of length half the side of the dice but the breath will be the same as the side of the dice.

Horizontal cut: We will get 2 pieces of rectangular shape each of length equal to the side of dice but breadth will be half of the side of dice.

$(d)$ A circular pipe

Vertical cut: We will get 2 rectangular shape pieces. Length will be equal to the height of the circular pipe and breadth will be equal to the diameter of the circular pipe

Horizontal cut: We will get 2 pieces of circular pipe but their height will be half of the original circular pipe

$(e)$ An ice cream cone

Vertical cut: We will get 2 triangular shape pieces

Horizontal cut: We will get 1 piece of small cone shape and 1 frustum shape piece.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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