What are the ways we can think of to avoid wastage of food?

The following ways can be used to avoid food wastage:

(a) Always take smaller quantities/portions of food to avoid wastage.

(b) Prevent wastage of excess foods in social gatherings and functions

(c) Develop a habit of trying new recipes or items in very small quantities. If you like it, you can take it further.

(d) Foodgrains, pulses, fruits, and vegetables must be stored properly to avoid their spoilage and wastage.

(e) Leftover food must be stored in the refrigerator to reuse it. Or else it should be distributed among those who need it the most.

1. Don't overbuy

Buying less food is one approach to reducing food waste. A full fridge may look enticing, but it can lead to food waste if the family can't consume everything. Taking several shorter excursions to the grocery store each week may help reduce food waste.

2. Don't waste food.

Many greens and vegetables wilt when past ripe. They're great in soups, smoothies, and baked goods. Vegetable leftovers create a good soup stock. Soggy bread makes toast or breadcrumbs. If produce still seems fresh and useable, it's usually good to eat.

3. Make a list

Buying already stocked foods can lead to waste. Taking stock of the food at home and establishing a grocery plan might help reduce waste.

4. Kitchen FIFO

Organizing the fridge and pantry helps consumers keep track of their food and locate ready-to-eat items. "First in, first out" helps organize food at home. This approach reduces waste in restaurants and grocery stores.

Placing newly purchased foods in the rear of the cupboard or fridge encourages customers to use the front row first, ensuring freshness and reducing wastage.

5. Correctly store food

Perishable commodities, such as fruits and vegetables, have ideal storage methods.

Below 5°C (41°F); Cooked foods above raw; sealing food

Open cans should be transferred to a container. No cans.

Some fruits emit natural gases that speed up food spoilage, according to the EPA. Apples, bananas, and tomatoes may stay fresher when stored separately.

Menu-plan weekly

Creating a weekly meal plan may help consumers reduce food waste. Using online tools or cookbooks to plan weekly meals helps create an accurate grocery list.

A defined weekly menu may help some people reduce meal guessing and food waste.


Many individuals choose 1 or 2 days a week to eat leftovers to reduce waste. This reduces waste and cleans the fridge.

Preserve food

Canning or pickling foods extends their shelf life and prevents deterioration. If a person mistakenly buys too much of a food, keeping it this manner helps save waste.

Applesauce and pickles are examples. Onions to eggs can be pickled. This article discusses pickling.

Date food

Food labels include "sell by" and "use by." Consumers can be confused by these dates, which help markets rotate stock. The FDA estimates that uncertainty about dates causes up to 20% of food waste.

People mistakenly toss out perfectly acceptable food because of these dates. Food tags and labels might give a broad notion of a product's freshness, but they're not laws.

Trust your senses to spot unhealthy food. Usually, rotten food smells, looks, and tastes bad. If unsure, toss it.

Scraps compost

Most meals leave stems, peels, and other remnants. Coffee grinds and tea leaves compost well. Composting turns waste into nutrient-rich fertilizer, reducing waste.

Many communities offer composting programs for people without gardens or composters.


Bring food from home to reduce food waste on the go. Invest in leak-proof, lightweight, portable food containers. Making extra portions of dinner to use as lunches in the morning saves time. This saves money.

Culinary customization

When eating out, ask for a meal without elements you don't like.

Asking a restaurant to leave off the toast that comes with breakfast can reduce waste.

Smaller servings reduce waste and avoid overeating.


Reducing food waste has personal and environmental benefits.

According to the World Resources Institute, halving food waste would reduce the requirement for land, water, and other resources to generate food. According to the World Resources Institute, halving food waste would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1.5 gigatons per year by 2050.

Individuals can contribute, but governments, corporations, and agriculture must cut waste to reach these goals. Reducing food waste saves money by reducing purchases and waste. Organizing and arranging meals can save time and make eating easier and healthier.


Although the average consumer isn't the biggest environmental threat, they must nevertheless decrease their influence. Reduce food waste to achieve a healthy food future for everyone.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022

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