What are the characteristics of sound ?

A sound is a form of energy produced by vibrating bodies. Sound requires a material medium for its propagation. Sound does not propagate in a vacuum as there is no material in the vacuum.

Characteristics of Sound

The number of vibrations per second is called the frequency. Frequency is measured hertz (Hz).

The maximum displacement of a vibrating particle from its mean or equilibrium position is called its amplitude.

Time period
The time taken by the vibrating particle for one full vibration or oscillation is called the time period of vibration.

The loudness of a sound depends on its amplitude. The loudness of sound is proportional to the square of the amplitude. A roar of a lion is louder than a woman’s voice. The loudness of sound is measured in Decibel (db). If loudness exceeds 80 db, then the sound becomes physically painful.

The pitch of a sound depends on its frequency. If the frequency is more, then the pitch or shrillness is more. The pitch of a woman’s voice is more and it is shriller than a man’s voice.

Audible sound
Not all sound produced by vibrating bodies is audible. The human ear can recognize the sounds of frequencies in the range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. This range of frequency of sound is called audible sound.

Some animals like dogs and snakes can hear sounds of frequencies greater than 20,000 Hz.

Infrasonic sounds
Sounds of frequencies less than 20 Hz are called infrasonic sounds.

Ultrasonic sounds
The sounds of frequencies greater than 20,000 Hz are called ultrasonic sounds

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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