What are the characteristics of chemical change?

Chemical change: 
The change in which the chemical properties of the matter change is known as chemical change. During the chemical reactions, the chemical bonds between the molecules are broken, rearranged, and new bonds are formed resulting in the formation of the new compound.

Properties of chemical change are as follows:

• Most of the chemical changes are irreversible. The original form of the matter cannot be attained.

• It is a permanent change and a new substance is formed.

• During a chemical change, the energy is either absorbed or released.

• Chemical change does not cause changes in physical properties such as shape, size, etc.

For example, photosynthesis reaction is a chemical change as carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll to give sugar molecule and oxygen as the product. Here, sugar once formed cannot be converted back to carbon dioxide and water easily. As a new compound is formed from the reaction between water and carbon dioxide, it is a chemical change.

Other Examples: Digestion of food, burning of petrol and diesel, rusting, preparation of tea and coffee, etc.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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