What are the benefits of cattle farming?

The benefits of cattle farming are as follows:

(i) The quantity and quality of milk produced will be of superior quality and will thus enhance the financial condition of farmers.

(ii) Good draught animals meant for labor are produced for agricultural work.

(iii) New varieties of animals can be produced with better traits such as disease-resistant, high-milking, good-strength, and others by breeding the varieties with desired traits.

[Additional information:

Cattle farming is a type of enterprise that raises cows, bulls, oxen, and calves for a variety of uses, the most prominent of which are dairy, meat, and leather.

Raising animals for consumption or entertainment. It covers both dairy and beef cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, mules, asses, buffalo, and camels, as well as the commercial breeding of birds for meat or eggs.

Cud-chewing or ruminant animals, like sheep, cattle, and goats, produce enormous amounts of milk, wool, and meat from pasture fodder, by-product feeds, harvested roughage, and non-protein nitrogen like urea.

Cattles have always played a significant role in our way of life, particularly in terms of food. The large-scale growing and raising of cattle for diverse agricultural uses is known as cattle farming or cow ranching.

Cattle farming is done with two key goals in mind:

Dairy: Animals raised only for the purpose of milk production. Dairy or milch breeds include animals like cows, goats, buffalo, etc.

Draught: Animals are used for a variety of transportation and agricultural operations, including irrigation and hauling. Horses, cows, buffalos, and other draught animals are a few examples.]

Updated on: 06-Jan-2023


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