What are different types of plant?

The plants are classified into different types based on their growth habit.

Herbs: The herbs are short plants with soft, green, and delicate stem. They complete their life cycle within one or two seasons. They are either branchless or have few branches. Herbs contain many nutrients. Example: Tomato, wheat, paddy, and grass.

Shrubs: The shrubs are medium-sized, woody plants. They are taller than herbs but shorter than a tree. Shrubs are bushy, hard, branched and their stems are woody and flexible. The life-span depends on the species of shrubs. Example: Rose, jasmine lemon, tulsi, and henna.
Trees: Trees are bigger and taller with thick, woody and hard trunk which has many branches. The branches of a tree bear leaves, flowers, and fruits. Some trees are branchless. The life-span of the trees is for several years. Example: Banyan, mango, neem, cashew, teak, and oak.
Climbers: Climbers have thin, long, and weak stem which need an external support to grow vertically. They have tendrils which help them to climb over a support. Example: Pea plant, grapevine, sweet gourd, money plant, and jasmine.
Creepers: Creepers are the plants that creep on the ground. They have very fragile, long, thin stems. Creepers cannot stand erect or support its weight. Examples: Watermelon, strawberry, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes.

Updated on: 29-Mar-2023


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