Visit a doctor. Find out why antibiotics should not be overused. Prepare a short report.

Antibiotics, also known as antibacterials, are medicines or drugs that help stop infections caused by bacteria, either by killing them or by keeping them from copying themselves or reproducing.

Antibiotics are only effective in bacterial infections, and not effective against viral infections, such as the common cold or flu. 

Penicillin was the first natural antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming, in 1928.

Examples of some antibiotics are- Penicillins, Tetracyclines, and Cephalosporins. 

There are also some side effects of antibiotics, and they are: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain.

The types of infections that can be treated with antibiotics are:

1. Dental infections

2. Skin infections

3. Bladder and kidney infections

4. Bacterial pneumonia

5. Whooping cough

6. Some ear and sinus infections

Precautions that must be taken while taking antibiotics are:-

1. It should be taken under the supervision of a well-qualified, experienced doctor.

2. Its course (intake) must be finished as prescribed by the doctor.

3. It should be taken in the right amount and at the right time because excessive or unnecessary consumption may kill the useful bacteria present in our bodies.

[Extra information:

Antibiotics are only effective in bacterial infections, and not effective against viral infections, such as the common cold or flu. 

Penicillin was the first natural antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming, in 1928]

Updated on: 06-Jan-2023


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