Vikas's father age is 5 years more than the tree times of vikas age.Find vikas age if his father is 50 years old

Given: Vikas's father age is 5 years more than the tree times of Vikas age

Age of his father is 50 years

To find: .Find the age of Vikas 


Father's age  = 50 years

Vikas's age  =  $x$

father age is 5 years more than the tree times of vikas age

$50  =  5 + 3 x$


$5 + 3 x  =  50$

$3 x  =  50 - 5$

$3 x =  45$

$x  =  \frac{45}{3}$

$x  =  15$

Therefore the age of Vikas = 15 years.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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