To stitch a shirt 2m 15cm cloth is needed. Out of 40m cloth, how many shirts can be stitched and how much cloth will remain?

Total cloth = 40m
Cloth needed to stitch a shirt = 2m 15cm

We have to find the number of shirts that can be stitched and the length of the cloth remaining.
Now, first of all convert all the measurement in same unit either in ‘meter’ or ‘centimetre’.
I am converting 'm' to 'cm'
$40m = 40 \times 100 = 400cm$
$2m 15cm = (2 \times 100) + 15 = 215 cm$
From the details given above,
Cloth required to stitch 1 shirt = 215 cm
For 2 shirts it will be = $215 + 215$ cm = 430 cm
But, the total cloth we have = 400 cm
It means we can’t stitch 2 shirts from the total cloth given.
So, it is clear that we can stitch 1 shirt and some cloth will remain left.
Length  of the remaining cloth = ($400 – 215$) cm = 185 cm.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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