The two numbers of a Pythagorean triplet are 100 and 2499. Find the third number of this Pythagorean triplet.

Given:  The two numbers of a Pythagorean triplet are 100 and 2499.

To find The third number of this Pythagorean triplet.


Pythagorean triplet are in he form of $2 m ,  m^2    - 1  , m^2  + 1$ 

$2 m  =  100   ;  m^2   - 1   =  2499  m^2   + 1  =  ?$

$m = \frac{100}{ 2}  =  50$

$m = 50$ ; 

$m^2  - 1  = 50^2   - 1 = 2500 - 1 = 2499$

$m^2  +1 = 50^2   + 1  = 2500 + 1  = 2501$

So, the third number is 2501   

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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