The total surface area of a cylinder with a diameter of base 5cm and height 30 cm will be?

Given: Diameter of base and height of a cylinder is 5cm and 30 cm respectively.

To do: To do find TSA of the cylinder.


Diameter of the cylinder = 5  cm

Radius of the cylinder = r =  $\frac{diameter}{ 2}  = \frac{ 5}{ 2}$  cm

Height of the cylinder  =  30 cm

Total surface area of the cylinder  =  $2 \times π \times r \times h$

                                                              =  $2\times  π \times  \frac{5}{2} \times  30$

                                                              =  $ 2 \times  π \times  5 \times  15$

                                                               = $150 π$  sq cm.

     Total surface area of the cylinder  =   150 π  sq cm.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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